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  • Welcome all to the 2024 Fall Semester. My name is Todd Couchon. If you are taking Algebra 1 Honors, Algebra 3-4, Algebra 3-4 Honors and Precalculus 1-2 Honors, I will be your teacher for the next few months. I have been teaching in the district since 2005 and have been teaching exclusively online since 2020. I consider myself both a teacher and a student of mathematics. I LOVE teaching math, because in helping students I often discover new ways of thinking about math that helps me make more sense of it. It's a very symbiotic relationship. In my (precious) spare time, I like to play ice hockey, build Legos with my children and work in my very demanding backyard. I am from Rhode Island, but I've been in Arizona since 2000, so I'm pretty much a Phoenician now. The only trace of the East that remains is a faint accent and a love for Boston sports teams, the Patriots in particular. It's been a tough few years but we will definitely win the Super Bowl this year, so that will be nice. My goal this semester is to help you meet your goals, whatever they may be (as long as your goal isn't failing math.) I also hope to showcase the beauty of mathematics. It ALL MAKES SENSE and it is a critical tool for understanding our world. 

    More personally, I have been married since 2004 and we have three children and one dog. I am not much of a dog person though. I'm not really a pet person. 

    I look forward to working with you this semester.

Last Modified on July 29, 2024